A not so up-to-date update

Sorry I kinda fell off the edge of the world there for a while.

I was in the hospital from August 3rd to the 8th (if you count the 19 hours in the Cumberland ER; I was then transferred via a $1,400+ ambulance ride to Meritus Hospital in Hagerstown). It is a really nice facility. I am now receiving outpatient care through a local organization with an estimated 1 yr. to 2 yr. recovery before I can go back to school OR work part-time, but not both.

I also have to move out of my apartment by the 10th of September since I can no longer afford to pay rent. My little sister and I are getting a place together where she will pay rent. I’ve already started packing, and we should be actually moving by the 7th of September. I’m also going to physical therapy twice per week and am in the awkward stage between knowing I have to have surgery and having the actual surgery scheduled.

I am applying for SSI, my meds have killed my memory (Thai language skills = completely gone), and I am now on a driving restriction until the new meds get rid of the visual and auditory hallucinations. Of course, the new meds also give me tremors and seizures.

I have been trying to be better with asking friends for help, which has been hit or miss. Tuesday my promised ride never showed or called, so I drove myself to PT seeing double the whole way. I’ve found it’s the parking lot that is so dangerous, so I used the valet service.

I have lost the ability to multi-task and lots of other activities are severely limited. I also now have a girlfriend, which seems the most ironic thing to have happened. Post-move, I am going to try to start blogging more.


Tiffany Santos - Find me on Bloggers.com